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pay in 3 with paypal at b&q

Pay in 3 with PayPal

We don't want anything holding you back from creating a home you love. That's why we've teamed up with PayPal to give you a new way to to pay.

Now you can buy the products you need and split the cost into three bite size payments. With no set-up fees or charges*, you can stay in total control of your finances and spread the cost of bulkier purchases, up to £2000.

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How does it work?

Step 1 - Add products to your basket (minimum order value is £30) and select PayPal when you checkout.

Step 2 - Choose "Pay in 3" and enter your card details to complete your purchase.

Step 3 - Pay the first instalment now, the two following payments will be automatically collected each month on the same date.

Spread the cost over three interest-free payments

Decision in seconds

You'll get an instant yes or no, if approved you can shop right away.

Easy management

Log in to your PayPal account to manage payments or check your balance.

In safe hands

Your details are never shared, and eligible purchases are protected.

*Subject to status. T&Cs apply. UK residents only. Late fees apply. PayPal is a responsible lender. Pay in 3 performance may influence your credit score.